

To deploy on ModelZ, you need to create a Deployment, which is a containerized application that runs your inference code. You can deploy multiple deployments to the same cluster, and each deployment can have multiple replicas.


The autoscaler scales Deployment horizontally between a minimum and maximum number of replicas, or to zero.

You can configure the autoscaler to scale based on the number of concurrent requests. Configuration options are shown here:

  • min-replicas: Minimum number of replicas to scale to. Defaults to 0.
  • max-replicas: Maximum number of replicas to scale to. Defaults to 1.
  • target-load: Ideal number of concurrent requests per replica. Defaults to 5.
  • scale-to-zero-duration: Idle duration before scaling to zero. Defaults to 30 seconds.
  • startup-duration: Duration to wait for the deployment to start up. Defaults to 10 minutes.


Let's say min_replicas is 0, max_replicas is 2, and target_load is 5. This means that you have a model that can handle 5 concurrent requests per replica.

The replicas will be 0 when there are no requests, and will scale up to 1 when there are 1 concurrent requests. If there are 6 concurrent requests, the replicas will scale up to 2. And after 30 seconds of no requests, the replicas will scale down to 0.


You can configure the hardware requirements for your deployment. Currently, we provide two options: